
 2018年4月9日、アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州マウント・バーノン市にあるSkagit Valley College(SVC)と包括連携覚書(MOU)の調印が行われました。当日は、Skagit Valley CollegeのThomas A. Keegan学長と、吉村学長の代理として清水明男 羽衣学園常務理事(大学事務局長)が調印式に臨み、記念品の交換が行われました。


 On 9th April,  President of Skagit Valley College, Dr. Thomas A. Keegan, and Akio Shimizu, General Manager of HAGROMO University of International Studies, signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding to promote cooperation between HUIS and SVC), which sets out a cooperation and collaboration between two institutions, including a student exchange program and other educational programs especially in areas such as English and Japanese languages and cultures.

 Skagit Valley College   https://www.skagit.edu/